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Mass Cultural Council

Along with my teacher I received a grant from the state of Massachusetts to advance my leanings and play my first major concert. I spent 9 months preparing for the concert and learning various Carnatic Violin concepts along the way. I immensely enjoyed practicing and playing with my Guru. I greatly appreciate the opportunity MCC gave me.

Performances: Welcome

Parish Center of the Arts

Westford Regional Art Event

Performed piano at the local art competition event at Parish Center of the Arts in a spur of the moment performance. At the event, they had no one to play piano, and at the last minute I decided to play. I was able to play an hour of memorized music as I had no sheet music with me.

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Performances: Welcome

Violin Duet Concert

I was given an opportunity to give two performances for the Karnatic Hindustani Music Circle. In the first one, I led a couple junior students as they played their first mini concert with kalpana swarams. I then played a longer concert with more intricacies and advanced pieces and manodharmam with my Guru. It was a great opportunity for me, especially to help prepare for the MCC concert the following year.

Performances: Welcome
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